Friday, December 28, 2007

Well That About Sums it Up!

I was going to write a beautiful and eloquent allegory of how my attempt at shopping in the January Sales just about sums up my life at the moment... it was going to be all about iPods [I'm now on my 3rd as they keep getting lost or breaking], Coats [I really want a new crombie, and the next best thing isn't in the sale] and DVDs [finally got the Indiana Jones boxset as well as Clerks 2 and The Wire Series 3]...

But I can't be bothered...

Suffice to say:

What I really want [or think I want] either doesn't exist, is unobtainable and/or too costly.
So I filrt with the cheap available stuff but none of its good enough so I don't buy.
In the end I retreat to the refuge of old friends...

The problem with moving on from denial is next stages are worse [anger, bargaining, depression; not neccessarily in that order]... Hmm...

Bollox to this introspection...

I'm gonna watch Indiana Jones and then go to the pub with Smithy!


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