Wednesday, July 11, 2007

History Of The World In 6 Glasses

My cousin's [Tom] most recent book has finally been published in the UK [it was published in the states 2 years ago!]. I've read it and can highly reccommend it... but don't take my word for it:

Ian Pinder, The Guardian, 16th June 2007:
"Standage tells his story with verve and there are suprises on almost every page."

Janet Maslin, Scotland on Sunday, 17th June 2007:
"Standage manages to be incisive, illuminating and swift without belabouring his analysis."

The Daily Mail, Friday 8th June 2007:
"Whatever your poison, this fizzy cocktail of social and cultural history is hard to resist."

Publishing News, 9th February 2007:
"...original...gloriously multi-layered."

Nina Caplan, Metrolife, 13th June 2007:
"...his research is vast and his writing accessible and strewn with fascinating facts... this is a delightful and informative book."

Throughout human history, certain drinks have done much more than simply quench our thirst. As Tom Standage relates with easy authority and charm, six of them - beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea and cola - have had a surprisingly pervasive influence on the course of history during pivotal epochs. From humankind's adoption of agriculture and the birth of cities to the advent of globalization, Standage reveals the intricate interplay of different civilizations by appreciating each drink as a kind of technology, a catalyst for advancing culture. After reading his clever and enlightened book, you may never look at your favourite drink in quite the same way again.

You can buy the book on amazon here

Also check out his website here: or check out his biog for his day job [at The Economist] here where he's described as the least musical member of his musical family... a point which I would like to argue and claim as my own! He was a drummer in a band that actually had a record you could buy in shops... I was a drummer in a band and you'd have to pay people to listen to it!

We are both part of an extremely musical family. This his Dad Simon. His mum is an instrument teacher, organist and choir mistress. His younger brother Silas is a harpsicord player and his youngest brother Ben... and
My mum is a woodwind teacher. My Dad plays the trumpet. And my brother Ed...

enough said...


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