Friday, December 28, 2007

Well That About Sums it Up!

I was going to write a beautiful and eloquent allegory of how my attempt at shopping in the January Sales just about sums up my life at the moment... it was going to be all about iPods [I'm now on my 3rd as they keep getting lost or breaking], Coats [I really want a new crombie, and the next best thing isn't in the sale] and DVDs [finally got the Indiana Jones boxset as well as Clerks 2 and The Wire Series 3]...

But I can't be bothered...

Suffice to say:

What I really want [or think I want] either doesn't exist, is unobtainable and/or too costly.
So I filrt with the cheap available stuff but none of its good enough so I don't buy.
In the end I retreat to the refuge of old friends...

The problem with moving on from denial is next stages are worse [anger, bargaining, depression; not neccessarily in that order]... Hmm...

Bollox to this introspection...

I'm gonna watch Indiana Jones and then go to the pub with Smithy!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Seven Hours and 13/15 Days

I seem to be struggling to find the right versions of stuff.

Prince has only even recorded and released live versions of this song. The more recent versions have been the best.

This is the closest I can find on the web though:

This is the 'single' version:

But isn't as good as the Sinead O'Connor cover that made it famous [where its 15 days??]:

It was origianlly written as an album track for a band called The Family [never heard it]. A bit like 'One Of Us' that Joan Osbourne made famous:

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Happy Endings

No this is a post about massage palours!

As is true of so many of Pulp's best songs they remain hidden as album tracks to B side [if you can find them check out Answerphone and Seconds too].

So I can't post a video as there isn't one and I'm not sad enough to make one myself.

You'll just have to imagine the sweeping score and silky smooth sheffield vocal [though you can hear 30secs worth here ]

Happy Endings [His and Hers]

Well, imagine it's a film and you're the star
and pretty soon we're coming to the part
where you realise that you should give your heart,
oh, give your heart to me.
And now the orchestra begins to make a sound,
that goes round & round & round & round & round & round & round & round
& round again
we kiss to violins.
Well some sad people might believe in that I guess.
But we know better don't we?
We know all about the mess.
The aftermath of our affair,
is lying all around and I can't clear it away.
And d'you think that it's so easy to find?
Somebody who is just your kind?
Well it might take you a little time,
but I'm going to have to try.
Oh yeah I'm gonna try.
And I know no-one can ever know,
which way to head.
But don't you remember,
that you once said,
that you liked happy endings?
And no-one can ever know,
if it's going to work,
but if you try,
then you might get your happy ending.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

These Foolish Things

As that's not a proper Nick Cave video... here is a real Nick Cave video; beautiful it is too: