Thursday, March 13, 2008

Travel Karma- Pt 5 Crash Boom Bang

22nd Feb 2008 is the day that will live in infamy...

This is the bit I least want to write but is probably what you most want to read... at least after this I can stop telling the story and just say 'read my blog'.

We all left the wedding venue separately and rendezvoused in a place called Warkworth some hours later.

Phil, Ruth and I arrived a couple of hours before everyone else so lazed about. I had a very contemplative walk along the river looking at alien wildlife. We went to the supermarket and stocked up on beer and other necessities.

When all four cars were assembled we set off in convoy to a place called Langs' Beach about an hour and a half North of Auckland... but I was some time before Ruth, Phil and I made it there...

The weather closed in...

The shitty old rental went out of control....

The way Ruth tells it: as we were spinning towards a ditch and beyond the ditch was a lake... she saw a power pole and thought 'if we hit that dead on we'll stop'... we did... And better that than flipping upside down into a lake I say!

My life did not flash before my eyes... instead all I thought over and over was 'we will stop and I will get out'... that aside it was every other car crash cliche'... I watched from the back seat in slow motion as we hit the pole, the bonnet of the car seemed to disappear and the contents of the boot flew past me and hit the windscreen [and Phil]...

We stopped; I got out immediately and collapsed, winded [and blind as my glasses had disappeared] on the bank by the road. I assumed the others did the same... then I heard Ruth screaming Phil's name.... "shit".... I got up and ran to Phil's door, it was jammed, Phil was silent with blood on his face.... I ran round to Ruth at which moment [or was it before] the power pole collapsed on the car crushing the roof down the middle. I got Ruth out and started to remove the stuff blocking Phil in... Phil had now woken and was insisting he was OK.... I became aware that other people were arriving... at which point the adrenaline wore off and I crumpled to the ground where I lay till the helicopter took me away.

A GP was passing and took control of the scene. Because I was complaining of severe stomach pain he was fearful I'd ruptured my spleen. Being a GP he struggled to get a line into me... in fact my hand looked like a pin cushion and three weeks later I still have a bruise from where he finally got into my arm. And he'd lost count of how many needles he'd tried so that when they moved me to the stretcher he knelt on one.... hmmm

I should add the power cables were of course live so the firemen were a bit worried about how they were lying across the road and near us.

I was taken by helicopter to a hospital in a place called Whangarie which isn't pronounced how it's spelt. It was an hour and a half north of the crash and therefore 3 hours north of Auckland. They gave me the once over; just like I've read it in a thousand Casualty scripts. A fast ultra sound of my belly revealed my spleen was intact and the medics stopped worrying. In fact when Ruth and Phil arrived some two hours later by ambulance I was chastised that they were worse than me. Phil had a dislocated shoulder and a manly cut to the forehead. Ruth was also battered and bruised with loads of broken ribs and what became a corker of a black eye [I'm sure they'll now tell me a catalogue of other injuries I've forgotten].

After a few hours I was told I could go. When I did get up to go I fainted.... ten minutes later I was off again though with nothing but a prescription for pain killers.

Ruth was admitted for the night so Phil stayed with her. Sandy and Sarah had arrived and Sandy's Dad, Gordon, and Giles were there too. Sandy and Sarah checked into a local motel so they could drive Phil and Ruth back in the morning...

I however got in the car with Gordon and Giles for the hour and a half drive back to where we were staying...

This was with out doubt the scariest experience of my entire life [and I've jumped glacial crevasses in remote Greenland]... The weather was now extreme; horizontal rain. It was pitch black and the roads were very winding a couple of times Gordon exclaimed and the car swerved... I really thought it was all going to happen again.

But I made it to the resting place in one piece... or so I thought...

There's two more hospitals to come...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

So Damn Lucky

Travel Karma- Pt 4 Nothing Can Compare To When You Roll The Dice and Swear Your Love's For Me

So Wednesday 20th Feb we set off for the wedding venue. The ceremony and celebrations were to take place at Castaways, Kariotahi Beach, Waiuku about an hour south of Auckland.

We got there in one piece. We had to turn back after about ten minutes because Sandy had forgotten the rings! But other than that it was an easy journey with out note other than mine and Phil's arguments over music [She's So Lovely by Scouting For Girls is a great song what ever he says!].

The venue was stunning. I stayed in a chalet with Sandy and Andrew [a Kiwi groomsman whose fiance was Maid of Honour]. The view from the chalet was breath taking and the weather glorious.

Giles [Bassist] who was best man and his girlfriend Caroline rocked up later than the rest of us. They'd spent a few days on their own travelling the South Island.

Having missed out on the stag do I was determined to have a great night... 15 pints and two Cuban cigars later I did have. We [the groomsmen] talked and drank and smoked into the early hours reminiscing, arguing about music and generally catching up. Sarah [who obviously was in the bridal chalet] told me later that all she could hear all night was Sandy's laugh carrying across the complex... when they first met the reason she approached him was all she could hear across the bar was his contagious laugh... ahhh!

The morning of the wedding Sandy woke me early [which I wasn't all that happy about] but a swim in the sea soon washed away the hang over. We lazed around for the morning and then after lunch got into our Kilts.... yes Kilts! I should perhaps explain that Sandy is Sandy Stirling... so the groomsmen, groom and groom's male family were all in kilts.

The wedding was pretty much perfect. Sarah walked down 'the isle' to Dice by Finlay Quaye. 'The isle' was actually two rows of petals along the cliff side. Vows were said, readings were read, Phil played and sang Fall At Your Feet by Crowded House [and Giles did backing] while the register was signed.

Post ceremony we were driven onto the beach for photos which seemed to take for ever and I've yet to see any of them...
The meal was stunning, steak with Yorkshire puddings stuffed with pate... yum.

I got drunk [obviously], we all discovered that we actually really liked to dance to Justin Timberlake - Bringing Sexy Back....

I'll spare you the Henry R. 'Scandell'...

Next day we were due to drive two and half hours north to another beach and a beautiful house... You guessed it Part 5 will be the one you're all waiting for!

Travel Karma- Pt 3.5 Makes You Stop and Think

Just to prove that it really was a good day Ruth took this photo... I'd explain the joke but...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Travel Karma- Pt 3 Never Been This Far Away From Home

So everyone was supposed to arrive in Auckland New Zealand by 15th Feb at the latest for the Stag do.... needless to say I didn't. Work put pay to that months before so the earliest I could fly was Sunday 17th meaning I won't arrive till the morning of Tuesday 19th [you lose a day crossing the international date line]. This also meant that I had to fly direct meaning 24hrs on a plane with only 2hrs to stretch your legs at LAX... So as I was going for a shorter period and wasn't going to have fun in the Maldives for a week before arriving and mainly because I'm a media whore I decide to fly business class... now this I can recommend!

I was chauffeur driven to Heathrow, relaxed before the flight in the Business lounge, had a very comfortable seat and good food, checked me email and could've showered at LAX, slept most of the way from LAX to Auckland... nice! I thought maybe things were looking up for this holiday... there was a scary moment where I had to smuggle Cuban cigars through US Customs but it was all good.

So 6am Phil [Lead Singer] and Sandy met me with man hugs at Auckland airport and we headed back to Sandy and Sarah's to wake the girls up.

Phil, Ruth and I thought the decent thing to do before the wedding madness started was to leave Sandy and Sarah to it and go off and do some sight seeing. So we piled in their rent-a-wreck ancient Toyota Corolla [you can see where this is going can't you...] and headed to some place called Devonport or something North of Auckland on the other side of the water and the bridge:
Now what you seemingly can't tell from these photos is it was actually a nice sunny day [at least that's how I remember it] we certainly got sun burnt. What I soon discovered is that Auckland weather is about as changeable as it could possibly be. It can leap in seconds from rain to glorious sunshine.

So we had a nice Brunch at a bakery place, a lovely walk along the beach and then a pint in a pub. We've figured we shouldn't head back yet so consulted the guide book and decide to head up the Sky Tower. Its the ridiculously tall building in that last photo.

Now I'm not great with heights. Its not that I get scared, it's vertigo, its biological and there is nothing I can do about it. In my youth I was a theatre spark and the definition of that is to be able to hang upside down from a lighting rig, rewiring a plug while smoking a cigarette... this I have done. But people knew never to stand beneath me if I was rigging as I would break out in a mad sweat and drip back down onto that stage...

So when for some reason I was pushed in a lift with a group of Japanese tourists but with out the other two I was a little bit uncomfortable as I waited for them at the top.

Anyway it was a fun sight we had a nice coffee, cake and I was utterly bemused by the people bungee jumping off the tower; "my life is complete enough with out ever having to experience that madness".
We did some window shopping on the road with posh shops on, sent postcards, drank whiskey, eat tapas and drank local pinot noir... before eventually returning to meet Sandy and then his family for a pint... by which time I could ignore jet lag no longer and was ready for sleep.

The next day was the drive to the wedding venue an hour south of Auckland...

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Travel Karma- Pt 2 Context

So there are to important things to explain first:

1) My terrible Travel Karma.
2) Why I was going to New Zealand in the first place.

So Travel Karma... because of my parents jobs and my jobs and just coz I'm me I have often travelled and moved round this sacred isle... however whenever I do it is often not without difficulty. I appear to be cursed with what was has become known as 'Bad Travel Karma'. Trains are always delayed, traffic jams ensue, a cab can not be found, the tube is on strike, get lost... this sounds normal you may say... but I do seem to have worse luck than most. Add to that the fact that I don't drive [having failed my driving test 4 times I gave up trying some 8 years ago]... essentially unless I walk somewhere I'm unlikely to get there easily and on time.

This seems exponentially increased if I travel abroad. For many years I simply never took a holiday. I never really saw the point; why spend money to relax [and travelling is not relaxing] when I can relax at home or do something constructive with time off work. So I would use my holiday time to make short films or produce plays .

But in the last year and a half as work became busier I started to think maybe I was wrong and I should travel.

My first attempt was New York. BA spectacularly lost my luggage. I spent a week in NY with no suitcase and caught flu on the plane over. Hmmm what fun. On returning to JFK to fly home I was told my luggage had just arrived but that won't be able to find it for days. I returned to the UK still without many necessities. It wasn't till three weeks later on Boxing Day by which time I was at my parents in Nottingham that my suitcase was returned it to me... The only up shot was a bought everything I needed and was eventually reimbursed by BA so I did get a decent shopping spree in NY all be it with flu.

My second attempt was Budapest with my brother last summer. The flight was cancelled, I wasn't through booked onto the connecting flight in Amsterdam, the hotel was over booked, we had about four different hotel rooms as they were all wrong, I got seriously ripped off in a bar, we never found a good place to drink... the only upside was the spas/baths were good.

And so to New Zealand and Hollywood...

Why New Zealand? Well when I were a lad I was in a band. We sounded something like this:

Its actually slightly more complicated as there were two bands at school and eventually we combined forced and it is this super band which is question really. After school we all went are separate ways and I never picked up drum sticks again but we stayed in touch and five of us remained great friends here are the other four when we were young:

After University Sandy [Lead Guitar] emigrated to New Zealand to live with his girlfriend Sarah... years later they announced they were getting married and I swore that it would take an act of God to stop me being there despite my travel Karma...


Travel Karma- Pt 1 Teaser

So I've had a rather eventful month and for once I plan to blog extensively about it so I can consign it to the annuals of history...

Watch this space...